300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training to Begin February 2025!

February 20 - August 9, 2025

Twelve Week Program

Our 300-hour Advanced Teacher Training program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and capabilities to excel as yoga teachers and practitioners. The program covers asana, pranayama, mudras, Sanskrit, physiology, anatomy, philosophy, ethics, psychology, plus much more! We strive to create an environment that promotes learning and personal growth. Our program fosters a supportive student-teacher relationship to encourage each student's development. With ample opportunities for hands-on experience and practice teaching, our curriculum aims to mold you into a skilled and confident teacher capable of succeeding in any teaching environment.

Yoga as a Life Path

Embark on a journey to self-discovery through Yoga. Cultivate conscious awareness as the foundation of life. Explore the transformative power of your personal practice, gaining insights into the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being. Life flows where effort and energy are directed. Discover inner strength, balance, and courage. Cultivate a deep sense of contentment that permeates the soul and inspires. Integrate your understanding of Yoga on the mat and in everyday life. Draw inspiration from a community working together in a loving, nurturing, and non-judgmental environment. Have confidence in the support to develop your full potential!

Course Curriculum

The 300-hour Advanced Teacher Training includes but is not limited to the following topics:

· Advanced sequencing methods, including arm balancing, inversions, turns on the mat, sequencing on two mats, integration of breathwork, mudras, meditation, and marma influence, PLUS much more!

· Kinesiology and physiology

· Advanced study of the anatomy of the subtle body, including marma, nāḍi, prana, chakras, granthis, and koshas.

· Tracing the roots of Yoga and understanding its nuanced meanings

· Analysis of Haṭha Yoga: how it started and what it has become

· Understanding Tantra and its relation to contemporary and medieval forms of yoga.

· In-depth study of Ayurveda: how it applies to yoga, diet, and lifestyle

· In-depth study of Sanskr̥t: its pronunciation, characters, and rudimentary grammar

This training is suitable for dedicated students, regardless of whether they are current or aspiring teachers. The content is presented in a way that facilitates learning and ensures accessibility for everyone.

Enrollment includes a comprehensive manual written by Jessie Fletcher and one-on-one mentorship. As lead trainer, Jessie Fletcher will issue and sign certificates. The program will consist of modular reflections, a final project, and a final exam. Teaching practicums will be scheduled for each module for individuals who are teachers or aspire to become teachers.

Click the link below for more details on course content, requirements, cost, and a full calendar!

Marisa Johnson